Welcome to the Don't Bite Me! Patch

Our Patches are Deet Free and safe for adults and children.
They are made in the USA.
Don't Bite Me Patch was established in 2007. The patch provides an alternative to traditional insect repellent by deterring insects, not repelling them. Studies have shown that Vitamin B1 metabolizes in the body to reduce human odors attractive to insects. Now you can simply put on a patch, The Don't Bite Me! Patch, for up to 36 hours of total body coverage. Whether you are swimming, camping, golfing, gardening, hunting, fishing or watching an outdoor sporting event, you can now enjoy your time outdoors, not dread it!
The Don't Bite Me! Patch is DEET free! Although the EPA has recommended DEET products for years, many consumers are now looking for a natural alternatives to DEET to deter insects.
The Don't Bite Me! Patch delivers a blend of Vitamin B1 and Aloe, making it natural, simple and safe. Features of the patch are: waterproof, full body coverage, safe for use on children, long lasting and ease of use. Say goodbye to messy sprays, lotions and towelettes. Also, the patch is clear so it's perfect for use on all skin tones. It can even be worn beneath clothing!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What ingredients are in the Don't Bite Me! Patch?
The only two ingredients in the Don't Bite Me! Patch are Vitamin B1 and Aloe.
2. How long does one patch last?
One patch can last up to 36 hours, depending on how your body metabolizes Vitamin B1 & Aloe.
3. Can I take off the patch and reapply it later?
No. The patch needs to remain on once it is applied. It is designed for single use only.
4. Is it safe to use the patch every single day during the summer?
Yes. Vitamin B1 is a water soluble vitamin and will be excreted through your pores and urine. There are no know toxicity levels for vitamin B1 at this time.
5. Is the patch safe for use on children?
Yes, because the patch only contains Vitamin B1 and Aloe, it is safe for use on children.
6. How old should my child be to use the Don't Bite Me! Patch?
We recommend two years and over. If you would like to use the patch on a younger child, please provide a copy of our manufacturer safety and data sheet to your physician for review.
7. What scientific evidence is there to support that Vitamin B1 works?
Some studies suggest that taking thiamine (Vitamin B1) 25mg to 50 mg three times per day(orally) is effective in reducing mosquito bites. Thiamine produces a skin odor that is not detectable by humans, but is disagreeable to pregnant mosquitoes (Pediatric Clinics of North America, 16:191, 1969). It seems to be especially effective for those people with large allergic reactions to bites. When taken orally, thiamine takes about 2 weeks before the odor fully saturates the skin, however, with the patch, it only takes two hours.
8. Is the Don't Bite Me! Patch safe for pregnant and nursing women?
There has not been enough research on vitamin B1 ( thiamine ) to form an opinion. Please consult your physician before using if you are pregnant or lactating.
9. Does the Don't Bite Me! Patch work for everyone?
We find that the patch works for about 8 out of 10 people who use the product. Because the patch works systemically, it all depends on how your body processes vitamin B1. Some people may require more than one patch for the product to work effectively for them.
10. When should I apply the Don't Bite Me! Patch?
The patch needs to be applied at least two hours prior to enjoying time outdoors. You can even put it on the night before!
11. Where should I apply the Don't Bite Me! Patch on my body?
We recommend four places on your body to apply the Don't Bite Me! Patch: Your rear, hip, shoulder blade or the outside of the upper arm (shoulder area). We do not recommend applying the patch to the inner arm. You should alternate locations of the patch on your body from use to use.
12. Can I just take Vitamin B1 pills instead of using the patch?
Yes, you can, although it will take longer to obtain the same results. You need to take 50 mgs, twice a day for two weeks to accomplish the same thing the Don't Bite Me! Patch will accomplish in two hours. The patch is quicker because it bypasses the digestive tract, where the vitamin B1 can be broken down and lose efficiency.
There is less than 10 mgs of Vitamin B1 in each patch which is enough to camouflage the odor of the carbon dioxide that we naturally emit through our pores. The carbon dioxide emission is what attracts mosquitoes and other biting insects.
13. Are there any side effects from using the Don't Bite Me! Patch?
Thiamine (vitamin B1) is generally considered safe and relatively nontoxic, even at high doses. Dermatitis or more serious hypersensitivity reactions occur rarely. If you have a skin reaction to the patch, apply Benadryl (or hydrocortisone cream) and it should improve shortly.
14. I'm allergic to adhesive, can I use the Don't Bite Me! Patch?
We do not recommend using our product if you are or ever have been sensitive to adhesive contained in other bandage or patch products.
15. Can I shower or go swimming while wearing the Don't Bite Me! Patch?
Yes. The patch is waterproof and will stay on while you are in the shower, bathtub, swimming pool or other bodies of water.
16. Should I wear two patches?
We recommend you wear two patches if your are: over 200 lbs, smoke, drink, are on birth control pills or have any other condition that diminishes thiamine absorption (see product ingredients page).
From New York Magazine-the Strategist
I Put These Patches on My Butt and Mosquitoes Don’t Even Know I Exist
By Alice B-B
I’d just arrived on the island of Mustique, and after a medicinal rum punch, I slipped off to bed early. Lights off, an electric bug-repelling diffuser by the bedside table, a romantic mosquito net positioned over the bed — I thought I was safe. But then I heard it, like a World War II fighter plane on helium: A mosquito had broached my gauzy defense. It circled, hovered, and dive-bombed. Then, silence (the worst bit is the silence). I knew the little bastard had landed somewhere about my person, inserted its proboscis, and was taking a long old drink of its favored tipple: my very own blood.
A globe-trotter by passion and profession, I’ve pretty much tried all options to avoid the hideous, itchy bites and — more worryingly — the potential, in certain countries, of malaria or zika. I’ve sprayed on natural repellents, lit citronella candles, smothered myself in chemical-heavy lotions, and even tried Avon’s Skin So Soft — which apparently the British Army swears by. But to no avail. Then one day, while preparing for a diving expedition with manta rays in the Maldives, I took to Amazon and searched for something akin to “I wish mosquitoes would leave me the f*** alone.” A product called Don’t Bite Me patches popped up. I mean … my dream! I obviously clicked “Buy.”
When applied to the skin, the transparent, waterproof, two-inch adhesive squares infuse the body with vitamin B1, which mysteriously reduces our natural odors that mosquitoes and other critters find so darn tantalizing. To hungry mosquitoes, I imagine the patches are the equivalent of me having BO, garlic breath, and stinky feet all at once. From balmy nights in St. Tropez to surfing holidays in Indonesia to the toughest test of all — hacking my way through the Amazon jungle — I’ve survived all with nary a nibble thanks to Don’t Bite Me. And even more satisfying, I’ve actually watched a mosquito approach me, linger a while, and then buzz off. The patches can be applied anywhere about the body, but my flesh of choice is a buttock, so that it’s neatly out of sight when I slip into a bikini. While they’re both sticky and waterproof, they probably wouldn’t stay stuck if you were to spend hours in a jacuzzi or swim an Iron Man. Still, I generally find the patches stick to my posterior for their full 36 hours. And when it’s time to reapply, I just slap a fresh patch on the other cheek, and wait for the first to fall away naturally. The more the merrier, right?
The patches are also devoid of the oft-dreaded DEET, and promise to be as effective and safe for kids as they are for adults. The only unexpected side effect is that you smell a bit like Marmite (but those, like me, who grew up eating the B-vitamin-fortified, yeast-extract spread will likely find the smell ambrosial). But be warned: If you’re traveling in a group, make sure you take extra patches. When word gets round you’re holding a miracle mozzie buffer, you’ll be swarmed.

Everyone/anyone can say they are “natural” and claim that their product(s) work, but I am one of the biggest skeptics. You have to be that way and do your do diligence/research to see that it is truly so. I will not take anything at “face value,” and neither should anyone! When I go to Expo West in Anaheim, I usually find the newer companies/products on the lower level of the convention center. Since they open that hall earlier I go their first and spend some time. A few years ago I came across a company that was showing a skin patch to protect against bug bites. With so many harmful products, such as DEET, it was nice to finally see something without chemicals. I did not immediately believe it because how could I? I had not tried the product as yet and know that it worked. I mentioned to the people at the booth, that if it does, I will write a “glowing” testimonial on their website.
Where I live, I do not have much if any issues with getting bitten, but where my parents live, that is a different story. It is not really in their neighborhood, but rather a health institute that we sometimes go to that has swampy areas. The last time I went there, I had bites all over my legs, to numerous to count. That was on a previous visit. This time I was prepared, I put the patch on my upper left arm and made sure to do so at least 2 hours prior to us leaving. I can’t remember if my Mom and Dad tried it that time or not (I know they have used the patch since then), but I sure was going to after my previous experience with bites!
We got to our destination and were there for at least a few hours and I did not have even one single bite anywhere on my body. I was hooked! I let some other friends know about the product and they bought it and had the same success as I did. Who would have known that just 2 ingredients, vitamin B1 and aloe would stop those little ‘buggers’ in their tracks! So simple and yes as natural as it gets! The ingredients get absorbed into the bloodstream by way of the patch. The vitamin B1 creates an odor (undetectable to us) that masks the CO2 we emit through our pores. This is what attracts the ‘biters’ to are skin.
How clever and ingenious! I have tried other natural products, but they never seem to work or last. What is even more wonderful about this product, is that it last up to 36 hours and is waterproof. You can wear it in the shower, swimming, bathing, etc and it will not effect the integrity of the product. If you are someone who gets bitten all the time, this is the solution. You will have to change it after a day and a half (put the new one on 2 hours prior to taking the old off, so you will have continual coverage, but try to not take off the wrong one or you’ll start getting bitten again. Maybe, if you used it first on your arm, then put the new one the inside of your upper leg so it will be in a different place and you won’t have much confusion), but it is worth it!
I recommend this to all my friends and family. It is also safe for all ages, not like other products that have warning labels on their bottles/packages.